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Co-Creation in Community Based PreventionWebinarDr. Ina Konning and Samuel Tomczyk present the importance of community-based prevention, development, and implementation. Dr. Ina Konning and Samuel Tomczyk also speak about the importance...Evaluation
Developing the Addiction Workforce in Africa: Progress and IssuesWebinarICUDDR and ISSUP are pleased to present our Webinar on Developing the Addiction Workforce in Africa. The aim of this Webinar is to share the...Case Study, Evaluation, Program Implementation
Implementation Science: Understanding the Know-Do Gap in PreventionWebinarDr. Andreas Hein, PhD, presents implementations of EBIs, skills for implementation, and why one should bother with implementing EBIs. Evaluation, Research
Improving the Addiction Treatment Workforce through a Structured Mentorship ProgramVideoPresented at the Lisbon Addictions Conference;  This session reviews an enhanced training approach for addiction treatment professionals that involves facilitated mentorship, using a new structured...Evaluation, Program Implementation
Presentation on getting published by Richard PatesVideoThis video is the kick off meeting of the first ICUDDR learning collaborative on getting scientific papers published. It covers the basics of writing and...Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment
Recovery CapitalWebinarDr. Robert Granfield, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, speaks on the development and growth of recovery capital. He expounds on the four components of recovery...Evaluation, Research
Substance Use and Mental Health: Preparing the Future WorkforceWebinarDr. Roger Peters gives an overview presentation on preparing the future workforce for substance use and mental health. Evaluation, Prevention
Webinar on accrediting university addiction counselor education programsVideoIn this session, the presenters will review/discuss: * NAADAC’s work to create higher education standards in substance use education * Development of standards * Overview...Evaluation, Program Implementation, Treatment