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ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Brief Interventions to selective and indicative prevention in mental health and addictions

From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece

Author: Dr. Silvia Morales-Chainé

An increase in drug use and mental health problems have been reported in low- and middle-income countries; however, the intervention gap is still wide in Mexico. This study describes the evidence-based brief intervention implemented to face alcohol and other drug use (AOD), and mental health risks during COVID-19 in Mexico. The strategy has been placed as a selective and indicative prevention program after a technological procedure was established to screen emotional risk at the community level. We have used a multielement AB design with 400 participants who sought care due to their mental health risk and AOD use. Several procedures demonstrated an impact on reaching treatment goals: functional analysis, decisional balance, goal establishment, skill training, and following planning. Brief interventions based on scientific evidence helped to reduce risk from AOD use and mental health conditions at the community level. Public policies should consider planning cost-effective, preventive interventions to address harmful AOD use and improve mental health conditions, as a reduction gap strategy at the community level.


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