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Researchers with Lived Experience: Closing the Research-to-Practice Gap in Substance Use Systems of Care

Authors: Camille C. Cioffi, PhD, Patrick F. Hibbard, PhD, Angela Hagaman, DrPh, Martha Tillson, PhD., Noel Vest, PhD.

A pressing challenge to address the current overdose crisis is to facilitate the translation of evidence-based programs and practices into widespread use by communities (Blanco, et al., 2020; Cerda, et al., 2023; Krausz, et al., 2024; Sprague, et al, 2020). Centering community perspectives through skilled implementation support is critical to accomplish this goal. However, one potentially underacknowledged group that may facilitate translation of research into practice are researchers with lived (and living) experience with substance use disorders (RLE). Often, people think of people with substance use disorders and researchers as distinct, non-overlapping groups of people (Banks, et al., 2023; Miller, et al., 2024). RLE, however, exist and our team is a living example.

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