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Needs assessment and preparatory work for addiction science programs at universities: experiences of universities in South Africa

Authors: Rehana Kader, Rajen Govender, Warren Cornelius, Lameze Abrahams, Fergus Ashburner, Nurain Tisaker, Michal Miovský & Nadine Harker

<p><span style="font-family:open sans,sans-serif; font-size:17.6px">This paper discusses the results from the first formal needs assessment conducted in South Africa to identify university curriculum development needs for addiction science training, particularly Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:open sans,sans-serif; font-size:17.6px">The aim of the study was to report on the current addiction science curricula available at South African universities, educator views on the need for a new specialized addiction science curriculum, and the feasibility of implementing such a curriculum.</span></p>


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